Home » How To Store Delta 8 Gummies [Discover 7 Tips for Proper Storage]

how to store delta 8 gummies

How To Store Delta 8 Gummies [Discover 7 Tips for Proper Storage]

Delta 8 gummies are a popular cannabis consumption option. Their delicious flavors, varying potency, and convenience have made them a go-to for cannabis enthusiasts looking for mild euphoric effects and wellness benefits. With popularity at an all-time high, chances are you have a bottle sitting in your cabinet at home. If you’re a fan, you may wonder how to store Delta 8 gummies.


It’s essential to store Delta 8 properly. Improper storage can degrade the cannabinoid and affect the gummy consistency. The product can lose potency and flavor as a result. If you have D8 gummies sitting at home, don’t be alarmed. We’ll walk you through exactly how to store Delta 8 THC gummies so you can enjoy them throughout their shelf life and maximize their potency.



What Is Delta 8?

Delta 8 (Delta 8 Tetrahydrocannabinol, Delta 8 THC, D8 THC, or D8) is a naturally occurring, mildly euphoric cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. Unlike its sister cannabinoid, Delta 9 (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol, Delta 9 THC, D9 THC, D9, or THC), which can be overpowering, Delta 8 provides mild euphoric effects. People enjoy D8 because it offers various mental and physical wellness benefits without making you lose control.


Delta 8 is very rare in nature. Less than 1% of a hemp plant contains it. So, how are large quantities of Delta 8 made? The answer lies in Delta 8’s chemical structure. It’s an isomer, a practical mirror image of CBD (Cannabidiol), a non-euphoric cannabinoid.


To produce sufficient amounts to meet consumer demand, manufacturers use the safe and clean conversion process called isomerization to turn CBD from hemp into Delta 8 THC.


The compound is available in various consumption methods, but many like to consume it in gummy form. Each gummy contains a precisely measured amount of Delta 8 THC, so you know exactly how much you consume. Gummies also come in various flavors, creating a flavorful experience.



cannabis gummies on wax paper



How To Store Delta 8 Gummies

Delta 8 gummies are potent and delicious, but they must be stored properly. If you store gummies improperly, the D8 will degrade and lose potency. You won’t get sick from taking it, but it won’t provide the euphoric effects you are after. It may also taste bad.


So, how do you store Delta 8 properly? Here are some helpful tips about proper storage conditions that will prolong the shelf-life of Delta 8 gummies and ensure a positive and tasty experience.


Keep It in A Dark and Cool Area

Direct sunlight and heat can accelerate degradation of Delta 8 gummies. To lower the risk of losing potency, minimize exposure to light. It’s best to keep D8 gummies away from bright light and in a cool, dark area like a cabinet, drawer, or refrigerator. These environments will preserve the cannabis, ensuring it is potent when you use it.


You should also avoid storing Delta 8 THC gummies in humid or moist environments. The moisture can increase the risk of mold and mildew contamination. However, if you store your cannabis in overly dry, non-moist, and humid environments, it will become brittle, harsh, and less effective. It’s essential to find the perfect balance.


Airtight Containers Are Awesome

Oxygen can also degrade cannabis. Therefore, it’s best to store Delta 8 THC gummies in an airtight container. Mason jars are ideal for this purpose.


However, most D8 gummies from reputable brands come in amber glass bottles. These bottles are airtight, and the amber color helps protect the gummies from light. All D8 gummies from Exhale Wellness come in amber bottles for this very reason so that you can enjoy your gummies now or later if stored properly.


Best Served at Room Temperature

You may store your Delta 8 gummies in the fridge, but serving them at room temperature is best. Gummies get hard when they are cold. They may be difficult to chew. Allow your gummies to warm up for a few hours before you consume them. But don’t wait too long. You don’t want the cannabis to degrade.



happy woman taking one gummy cube



Eyes on the Expiration Date

Do Delta 8 gummies expire? Yes, they do. That’s why most Delta 8 gummies have an expiration date on the bottle. The shelf life of Delta 8 THC is generally a year, depending on the ingredients it contains. Some gummies may last up to two years when stored correctly, but most manufacturers will play it safe and set a date for about six months after opening the bottle. It’s advisable to eat them within this time frame for optimal potency.


If you do happen to consume expired Delta 8 gummies, chances are you’ll be fine. Expired gummies won’t make you sick, but they may not produce the desired effects due to reduced potency.


Gummies on the Go

Delta 8 THC gummies are convenient because you can take them on the go. Their small size makes them portable. They are discreet enough to pop into your mouth at any time.


However, you must be careful when carrying them around. If the gummies came in a container, you may be best off taking the entire container with you. Alternatively, you can carry them in a pill bottle or plastic baggie. Get as much of the air out as possible to ensure proper storage.


Keep the Container Tightly Closed

If you store your gummies in an airtight container, keep the container tightly closed to prevent oxygen from affecting the gummies. Oxygen will interact with cannabinoid’s chemical structure and reduce its potency. Double-check the lid to ensure it’s screwed on tight before you put your cannabis edibles away.


Clearly Label the Container

Make sure you know what you’re taking by clearly labeling your D8 gummies container. Chances are you won’t need to do this because your bottle will already have a brand-specific label attached to it. But if you decide to store your Delta 8 gummies in another container, you need to label it properly.


This step is particularly important if you have kids in your home. Kids may see your gummies and think they are candy. If they eat one, it could lead to serious medical consequences.


You may not want your kids to know you have cannabis products in the home. If that’s the case, label them with a sign that says “Do Not Touch – For Adults Only” or something similar. Better safe than sorry!



gummies in clear jar



Why Proper Storage Is Important

Properly storing your D8 gummies allows you to retain their potency, maintain their freshness, and ensure they are safe to consume. Here’s a breakdown of why properly storing Delta 8 gummies is important.


  • Potency. Proper storage keeps Delta 8 THC gummies potent. It prevents air, heat, and light from interfering with the chemical composition of Delta 8 THC. Protecting potency will ensure that you’ll receive the desired effects.
  • Freshness. Cannabis edibles that are properly stored stay fresh. Fresher products are full of other cannabinoids and terpenes, which provide a full spectrum effect. The gummies will not only taste better, but they’ll hit better and be more effective.
  • Safety. Part of proper storage is labeling containers correctly. Proper labeling ensures your gummies don’t end up in the wrong hands.



How To Tell if Your Delta 8 Gummies Are Expired

The most obvious way to tell if your Delta 8 gummies are expired is to look at the expiration date on the label. But what if the numbers have worn off or you throw the container away? Fortunately, there are other signs of expired Delta 8 gummies. Here are some to be aware of.


  • Your Delta 8 THC gummies are discolored or moldy.
  • They have a strange taste or smell bad.
  • The gummies are crumbly, hard, or sticky.


If your Delta 8 THC gummies show any of these signs, do not consume them. Throw them out and buy a new batch.



Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Delta 8 THC Gummies

Proper storage will help you get the most out of your Delta 8 gummies. Here are some other helpful tips.


  • Choose the Right Potency. The right potency looks different for different for everyone. It depends on your tolerance level, biological factors, and cannabis constituents. If you are unsure how much to consume, start with the recommended serving size on the bottle. For first-timers, take half a gummy, wait a few hours to see how you feel, and proceed with more if required until you reach the desired effects.
  • Start with a Small Dose. Different doses are suited to different people, but it’s always best to err on the side of caution. Remember, you can always take more gummies, but it will be difficult to work your way down if you take too much. Start with small doses to prevent overdoing it.
  • Have Patience. Gummies are a type of cannabis edible. As such, they hit slowly and powerfully. Don’t assume the gummy is not affecting you, and take more. Wait a few hours to see how the gummy hits, and gradually increase your dose if necessary.



exhale wellness delta 8 gummies



FAQs on How To Store Delta 8 Gummies


Should I Refrigerate My Delta 8 Gummies?

Yes, the refrigerator is an ideal place to store Delta 8 THC gummies. It provides a cool, dry environment and protects the gummies from direct light, keeping them nice and fresh. However, it’s important not to store them in a refrigerator that is super cold. Ensure proper temperature settings to preserve your gummies. If your fridge is too cold, it will potentially freeze the gummies, making it a hassle for you to consume them.


Can I Freeze Delta 8 Gummies?

No, it is not advisable to freeze Delta 8 gummies. While the refrigerator offers a temperate environment, the extreme temperatures of the freezer can degrade cannabis’s chemical structure. Avoid storing gummies in the freezer at all costs.


What Happens if My Delta 8 THC Gummies Are Exposed to Air?

When storing Delta 8 gummies, it’s best to minimize exposure to air. While some air will not affect cannabis, prolonged exposure will degrade the product. For best results, store your gummies in an airtight container.


How Do I Know if My Delta 8 Gummies Have Gone Bad?

They may be moldy or discolored, taste or smell bad, or be hard, crumbly, or sticky. If you notice these changes, discard the gummies and purchase a new batch.


Does Delta 8 Expire?

Yes, over time, cannabinoids like Delta 8 will naturally degrade, causing them to lose their potency and effectiveness. That’s why it’s especially important to store Delta 8 properly.



Final Thoughts- How To Store Delta 8 Gummies [Discover 7 Tips for Proper Storage]

Delta 8 gummies offer a delicious and convenient method of cannabis consumption. They provide easy dosing, tasty flavors, and mild euphoric effects while helping you maintain control. To properly store Delta 8 gummies, keep them in their original container. It’s important to store Delta 8 gummies in a dark, cool place that children or pets cannot access. Avoid exposing them to high temperatures to maintain their shape and denaturing any chemical compounds that may affect their benefits. Proper storage will lead to longer shelf life and maintain potency.


If you open your package, consume the gummies within six months or sooner. Consuming expired gummies is not advisable as they will most likely have lost their potency. However, your cannabis edibles will only provide the desired effects if they are properly stored. Pay attention to expiration dates and make safety a priority. Following the guidelines will ensure a pleasant Delta 8 THC gummy experience. For the best experience, choose high-quality Delta 8 gummies like the ones we sell here at Exhale Wellness!

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