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can you fly with delta 8

Can You Fly With Delta 8? [4 Essential Travel Tips]

Delta 8 THC (Delta 8, D8 THC, or D8) is one of the most popular cannabinoids in the cannabis market. It’s famous for its light, relaxing euphoria, and various wellness benefits. Despite its popularity, federal laws and those within state lines regarding Delta 8 THC can be confusing. If you’re traveling with D8, you may wonder, can you fly with Delta 8? The answer is not as straightforward as you think and depends on several factors.

Many people like to take their favorite hemp product with them on trips as it helps them enjoy optimal wellness on vacation. But if airport security stops you, who knows what could happen. You may miss your flight, pay a fine, or even be put under arrest. None of that should happen when you fly with Delta 8 and other hemp-derived products. To prevent the chances of this occurring, you should be familiar with local law enforcement rules to ensure you don’t get in trouble. This article will answer the question, can you travel with Delta 8, and tell you everything you need to know for safe travels.

Can You Fly With Delta 8 THC?

Yes and no, that depends on your flight’s destination. Does that sound confusing? We’ll break it down for you.

You may wonder, cn you take Delta 8 on a plane? You should be fine taking D8 on most flights within the United States. Hemp-derived Delta 8 THC products that contain 0.3% or less THC are federally legal. However, it’s always wise to check the airline rules of the company you are flying with to ensure a hassle-free travel experience.

But getting on a flight with Delta 8 THC products in your possession is half the story. You need to know if Delta 8 has legal status in your travel destination. Never travel internationally with D8, as there is a strong chance that it is illegal in your destination country. Cannabis is still banned in much of the world, so keep your D8 products at home if traveling abroad.

As mentioned earlier, not all state laws allow Delta 8. So what if you are flying to and from these illegal states? Federal law governs the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). And the federal government legalized hemp products like Delta 8 THC several years ago.

The Farm Bill (Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018) went into effect in 2018 and made all hemp-derived products with a THC content equal to or less than 0.3% legal under federal law. Delta 8 THC products that meet these standards have a federally legal status.

However, federal and state laws vary. Some state-specific laws regarding Delta 8 THC may ban products containing it and label them as a controlled substance. Other states allow cannabis products regardless of the origin or THC levels. Some align with the Farm Bill. Others don’t allow cannabis of any kind. Always research your destination states’ laws before flying with Delta 8.


airplane flying at dusk


Flying With Delta 8 THC: What You Need To Know

Now you know the answer to the question, can I fly with Delta 8? Here are some more specifics you need to know before flying.

TSA Regulations

The TSA is responsible for the safety of various transportation systems, but they focus on air travel. Before boarding a flight, all passengers need to go through a TSA checkpoint.

TSA agents are primarily concerned with weapons and security threats, not cannabis enforcement. The TSA does not search for cannabis, but if they find something that appears illegal during a security screening, they will refer the matter to law enforcement. The agents may confiscate your products or ask you to throw them out. The agents won’t arrest or fine you for possession if your hemp-derived D8 product is legal.

If traveling with hemp-derived Delta-8 THC products, ensure they are compliant with federal regulations (less than 0.3% THC). Be aware of the laws of the state you are traveling to, as some states ban Delta-8 THC. Keep the product in its original secure and sealed packaging that clearly labels the THC content to prevent further hassle.

Read more : Delta 8 Near Me

State Laws

If you are wondering, can I travel with Delta 8, the answer is yes you can. However, state laws can get confusing. Cannabis laws vary from state to state, and they are particularly tricky when involving Delta 8.

The potentially unknown origin and THC content of Delta 8 THC products make it difficult to regulate. Delta 8 products from brands with a poor reputation may also pose a health risk to consumers. Therefore, some states have banned it outright, including states where cannabis has legal status.

As of July 2024, here are the states where hemp-derived Delta 8 is illegal:

  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • California
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii (Banned by an administrative rule, not a specific law)
  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • Mississippi
  • Montana
  • North Dakota
  • Rhode Island
  • Washington

You may have trouble flying with Delta 8 if these states are your departure and arrival locations. You may be best off leaving your cannabis products at home.

Medical Products

Travelers with a prescription for medical marijuana may have permission to take large volumes of cannabis on a plane. However, Delta 8 THC is rarely medically prescribed. Therefore, it might not cover any medical allowance.

However, if you do have a prescription for medical marijuana and plan to take it on a plane, be sure to bring your medical marijuana card and any prescriptions or doctor’s notes to ensure legality and personal protection.

Airline Regulations

Although Delta 8 THC and other cannabis products should be okay to fly with to certain destinations, airline rules may pertain. For example, American Airlines regulations state that you cannot take cannabis, specifically marijuana, on a plane, regardless of whether it is medical or recreational. If TSA catches you with marijuana products on airlines that don’t allow them, they may confiscate them.

When traveling with D8, ensure it is in its original packaging, clearly stating that it is a hemp-derived product. Always check your airline’s rules before you get on a plane.


tsa checkpoint in airport


How to Fly with Delta 8 THC

Now that we know some general rules about flying with Delta 8, there are specific TSA guidelines to consider depending on the type of cannabis products you pack in your luggage. Here are a few to be aware of so you know how to fly with Delta 8 THC products.

Carts and Vapes

TSA guidelines state that electronic smoking devices can be taken on a plane as long as they are in your carry-on luggage. They cannot be taken in your checked luggage. The organization also asks that you take measures to prevent the accidental activation of these devices. This could involve removing the battery or storing the vape cartridge in a protective case.


You can take gummies on airplane flights. TSA food guidelines state passengers can take solid food items in their carry-on bag or checked luggage.


TSA liquid rules allow you to take tinctures on airplanes. However, because they are liquid, you must store them in a container of no more than 3.4 oz if you plan to take them in your carry-on luggage. If the container is larger, it must be placed in your checked bags.


If you are flying with Delta 8 flower, keep it in its original packaging for easy identification. You should also bring along a Certificate of Analysis (COA) for the product so agents can confirm it’s a legal hemp product with 0.3% THC or less.

Can You Take Delta 8 Gummies on International Flights?

It is not advisable to take Delta 8 gummies on international flights. However, there may be some exceptions. If you thought local laws were confusing, international laws can get even more complex. Some countries, like Canada, have lax cannabis laws. Others consider cannabis possession a serious crime punishable by a hefty sentence.

If you arrive in a country where cannabis possession will violate federal law, you may be detained upon arrival. American rights will not protect you on foreign soil. You may face a long, drawn-out legal battle.

There have been several incidents where Americans have faced steep punishments for cannabis possession in a foreign country. The most high-profile situation involved WNBA star Brittney Griner. The American basketball player served a 10-month prison sentence in Russia before the Biden administration secured her release in a high-profile prisoner swap.

Can You Bring Delta 8 THC on a Bus or Train?

We know the answer to the question, can you bring Delta 8 on a plane, but what about buses and trains? Like the TSA, train companies like Amtrak and Greyhound don’t have any written policies on traveling with hemp products. Security also tends to be lax on these transport vehicles, so you may feel better about taking Delta 8 onboard.

However, trains and buses often have security dogs who may sniff out cannabis products. If they detect cannabis in your luggage, hemp or otherwise, your products could be confiscated, and you may be detained. It may be better to avoid these situations altogether.

Also, don’t forget the Delta 8 rules in your destination state. Always make sure Delta 8 products are legal where you go.


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FAQS – Can You Fly With Delta 8?

Can Airport Scanners Detect Delta 8 Oil?

Yes, airport scanners can detect Delta 8 THC oil. Scanners are trained to look for liquid substances and ensure their container is smaller than 3.4 oz. However, it’s unlikely the scanner will pick up on the fact that there’s a cannabis product in that container. All the same, it could wave a red flag and lead to confiscation and detainment. The potential of this situation also emphasizes the importance of storing Delta 8 oil in the proper-sized container.

Are Delta 8 Gummies Illegal To Travel With?

In most instances, Delta 8 gummies are not illegal to travel with. However, you may get in trouble if you travel into a state or country where Delta 8 does not have legal status.

Can TSA Detect Delta 8 Gummies?

The chances of TSA agents detecting Delta 8 gummies are very slim. Agents primarily look for security threats and don’t prioritize looking for cannabis products. They will likely not notice if you bring a legal product on an aircraft, especially something as discreet as Delta 8 gummies. However, if an extensive search is conducted, they may find the gummies on your person.

Can I Put Delta 8 in My Checked Bag?

In most instances, you can put Delta 8 products in your checked bag. The only exception is vape products. A Delta 8 vape must be stored in your carry-on and cannot be checked due to the risk of activation. However, you can bring Delta 8 gummies, flower, and appropriately sized oils on board.

Final Thoughts – Can You Fly With Delta 8? [4 Essential Travel Tips]

Delta 8 offers various wellness benefits and light psychoactive effects. You may want to take it on vacation, but is Delta 8 allowed on planes? Yes, you can fly with Delta 8 THC. However, you should avoid taking it into states and countries where it is illegal. You must also consider regulations based on the airline and the type of product you are flying with.

Research guidelines and laws in your departure and arrival locations to stay safe. Good luck enjoying a great travel experience. But before you leave, check out our line of federally legal, hemp-derived Delta 8 THC products! They satisfy your needs no matter where live takes you.

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